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Friday 14 November 2014

Schedules, Homework and University

Hey guys, it's been a while... longer than a while...

This is kind of an apology post. I am only just starting this whole blogger life thing and scheduling is something I'm not vigilant enough with so from now on, expect posts on Wednesday and Friday and maybe I'll pop a surprise post in every now and then. That's my schedule element sorted, now I'll explain the lack of posts!

I am currently doing my A levels (equivalent to US SATs I think? Don't hold me to that!) and they are taking over my life. I am reading the texts they have set us for English Literature and they are draining me because they are really heavy going; they actually make me not want to read for leisure! My other excuse is every prospecting British 17/18 year olds best friend: UCAS.

Breakdown of UCAS:
Definition - The association which processes your university application
Actuality - The most stressful form you will ever fill out in your life. One spelling mistake and you've potentially cost yourself a spot at university. If your personal statement sucks then say byebye to your future dreams and hello to the mundane 9-5.

I've been swamped with all of this since September and I'm very stressed and busy but I promise that I will stick to my Wed/Fri schedule now!

I know this post has been boring but I am currently reading The Maze Runner so expect something to be posted about this soon!

Until Wednesday my friends... or maybe Sunday if there is time!

Is x

Check me out elsewhere:
Twitter:@ marvellousshelf
Instagram: @issysmarvellousbookshelf

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