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Friday 7 November 2014

Reading Goals!

It's never too early to set some reading goals is it? Good, because it's quite safe to say I ballsed up my 2014 goals quite spectacularly.

I'm a member of Goodreads (who isn't?) and I set myself a challenge on there to read 50 books this year! And guess how many I have read so far...


And you know what the worst part of it all is?...
Almost all of those books are graphic novels so I didn't actually read many full length books at all this year. And two of them were one's I'd read for my A levels. I did no reading. I took five books on holiday and only read one; I wouldn't pick up another book until I was finished with my A level texts and even when I finally did finish them, I didn't bother to read a proper book again. I suppose we can blame graphic novels for that blunder; they're great but they really make you a lazy reader!

So it's time to set some new goals. I have two sets of goals, ones for the end of this year and ones for 2015. Here goes...

  • Start and finish the Maze Runner series
  • Finish Graham Swifts Waterland before christmas (A level text)
  • Finish (and write an awesome essay on) The William Goldman abridgment of The Princess Bride (A levels, again).
  • Start Tess of the D'urbervilles (More A level stuff)
  • Review every one of these books
  • Get in to a regular blogging schedule
  • Gain 100 views on my blog!
It seems like a lot to do now I've written it all down. *hyperventilates*. But here are my plans for


2015 will be my year of children's books! I will be tackling all manner of children's literature from aged 5 up to YA reads. You're never too young for Enid Blyton are you?


  • The Faraway Tree - Enid Blyton (3 books)
  • How to Train Your Dragon - Cressida Cowell (11 books)
  • A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket (13 books)
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Jeff Kinney (9 books)
  • The David Walliams Collection (7 books)
  • Divergent - Veronica Roth (4 books)
  • Chaos Walking series - Patrick Ness (3 books)
  • Skulduggery Pleasant - Derek Landy (9ish books)
THAT IS A GRAND TOTAL OF 59 BOOK IN 365 DAYS WHICH EQUATES TO...just over 1 book a week. know that really doesn't sound so bad!

Truth is, I've always really wanted to read all of these kids books and never got the chance to and they seem so popular, it's just be silly of me not to indulge. Of course, I will also be facing the vile task of resitting last years literature exam (so I have to read 2 other books) so I will have to try and work that around my reading goals!When you want to be a children's author - you need to do your research! I know there are barely any stand alone books in that reading pile but if any jump out at me I will definitely be adding them to the list! 
Safe to say, my reading load next year isn't going to be a light one!

I will make a page called "Reading challenge" or something of that flavour where you can track my progress! I also would love to hear from anyone who's read any of this stuff and maybe suggest which series too start with! I don't know where to begin!

Until next time, my friends, check out my twitter and instagram!
@marvellousshelf Twitter
@issysmarvellousbookshelf Instagram

Oh and this is my Bloglovin thingy! <a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Is x

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