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About Me


I'm Issy, a student from England who also works part-time as a bookseller!

Books have kinda been my thing ever since I can remember. First book I actually remember reading completely independently was Jean and Allan Ahlberg's The Cat Who Got Carried Away which I still think is the coolest book ever and now I have 2 cats to prove it. (Totally thanking the Ahlberg's for writing that book so that I could get my cats).

Next year, I desperately hope to be accepted on the Publishing and English Literature course at Bath Spa University which I fell in love with on their open day! So I decided to start this blog to get used to the type of stuff I could expect to be doing in my degree and broaden my reading in general!

I'll be reviewing, writing, challenging myself and more on this little blog of mine so I hope you stick around to see it!

I love to hear from you so feel free to drop a comment (and if you want me to love you, you could follow me on Instagram and Twitter too!)

Twitter: @marvellousshelf
Instagram: @issysmarvellousbookshelf

Hope to see you guys around,

Is x

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