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Wednesday, 3 December 2014

How to get out of a Reading Funk

You could be the most avid reader and have moments when you just can't get in to your book and you slip in to a reading funk.

Reading Funk

A reading funk is a period of time where reading becomes a chore/daunting task and one ceases to read. Funks can last short or long periods of time and are common in students and those with busy lifestyles.

Tim: Hey Joe, have you read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline yet!?

Joe: Nah man, been studying so much I've got myself in to a reading funk.

Symptoms of a reading funk include:

  1. Sleeping after reading a page of a book

2. Buying too many books to fit on your shelf that you're "going to read when you feel better" so that it's fit to collapse.

3. Watching excessive amounts of TV so you don't have to read

That's just a select few of the effects a reading funk has, they vary from person to person and it's so difficult to pull yourself out of one but never fear, I have some tips to help!

My A levels have been driving me crazy and reading has been the last thing on my mind right now due to the workload I have that seems to never end. I'm in my own funk now, I've been reading The Maze Runner for weeks and am still not even 100 pages in; in all honesty I'm not a fan of Dashner's writing style but the concept is great so I just have to plough through. Unfortunately, books that don't grab you can just elongate the reading struggle and put you off further so try to avoid these type of books!

Here are my top 5 tips to avoid your reading funk!:

1. Choose a book that interests you!
    If you're reading a book just to see what all the fuss is about, there's a possibility you'll be disappointed and apply this same algorithm to other books you read. You're going to convince yourself that everything you read is a disappointment when there are really some great books out there which have very little hype at all!

2. Schedule in some reading time!
   Whether it be an hour or even 20 minutes, put aside part of your day and dedicate it to reading. Don't stop until you've reached your target and if you read longer than expected, don't stop. Book funks are often followed by reading purges so let out the reading animal inside!

3. Ease yourself back in to it!
    An easy read is sometimes all you need! Try something contemporary and small but not something that will bore you like John Green, Jill Mansell or something aimed at a younger audience as it may be simpler to read!

4. Turn off your phone!
    The Internet is a pain; it gets in the way far too much and you'll end up checking twitter and not reading! It also takes away any concentration you may have!

5. Set goals!
    Everything you do in your life is easier if you set goals so aim to read a book a week/month/every 3 days. Make your goals sensible and achievable and stick to them!

Hope that these help you guys! Let me know your tips for getting rid of the post-book-blues! Sorry for the short/lacklustre post too! I'm absolutely whacked and need some sleep!

Is x

Twitter: @marvellousshelf
Instagram: @issysmarvellousbookshelf

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